About Me


I am David Potach a writer with a unique background that has shaped my writing and worldview. Born and raised in the middle of the United States, I've always enjoyed writing and I've had a deep fascination with the human experience.

I originally pursued a career in physical therapy and worked with athletes and patients from all walks of life. Through his work, I gained a deep understanding of the resilience and determination of the human spirit, as well as the challenges and triumphs that define our lives.

I think we can have multiple callings; helping athletes navigate the injury process was certainly one of mine. My other has been writing. In addition to this new foray into novels, I like to think that I've also made significant contributions to the field of physical therapy. I have written multiple non-fiction books, articles, and chapters on rehabilitation, sports medicine, and strength training.

When I'm not writing or helping others achieve their athletic goals, I'm usually exploring my other passions. I am an avid runner and find solace and inspiration in the rhythmic pounding of my feet against the pavement. I love my family and cherish the time I spend with them.

As the first book in the "Beyond Vengeance" series, I hope that "Stealing Equity" is just the beginning of my journey as a novelist. I've already started work on the next installments, and hope that in your reading, you are taken on a wild ride of action, suspense, and emotional depth.